The WICKEDNESS Team is always looking Band merchandise from Wholesale Distributors, Big Merch Companies, Indie Merch Companies and Bands from all over the world. We would LOVE to carry YOUR Band's Merch  in our Store.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you think your Band's Merch would fit well in our Store, we are always looking for companies, Distro's and Band's from all over the world that can help us get Band Merchandise for our physical Store and our Online Shop. We also wouldn't mind helping your Band(s) (unsigned bands as well) with handing out Promotional Items at our physical Store, or via our Shipping Packages for our awesome customers. LET'S NETWORK.

We are also always willing to help unsigned Bands with handing out Promotional items as well, let's all Network and grow our Movement together. The WICKEDNESS is here for you as well, no band, promoter, Distro etc is too big or small to help and Network with, let's help each other out.

Also, If you are from a Big Wholesale Company, PLEASE give us an account with your company, we would love to buy from you.

EMAIL US AT: [email protected]

Thanks for your time.

-Wickedness Team.